Wednesday, July 3, 2013



Most Expensive Dog
Puppies for sale! There he is! The most adorable furry four-legged friend you have ever seen! He has to be yours – and who can blame you? He is adorable! But you find out that he has already been sold, and your heart drops… Until you see the price tag on his collar. It exceeded the cost of most homes.
Yes you chose the Most Expensive Dog In The World! Some breeds of man’s best friend can cost thousands of dollars, and we’ve compiled a list of the 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the world.


Most Expensive Dog
The Akita is a docile, courageous and fearless Breed Of Dog, known to be loyal and very affectionate. They are often used as therapy and rescue dogs due to their intelligence and gentle nature.
The Akita were originally bred in Japan and the first Akita to touch American soil was brought over by Helen Keller in 1937 and his name was Kamikaze-go.
Fun Fact: In Japan, The Akita is regarded sacred and considered to be a good luck charm! Small statues of the Akita are often given to new parents as a gesture of good health and blessings for their new baby!
Price Tag: $1,500 – $4,500


Top 10 Most Expensive Dog
The Saluki may appear to be fragile and timid but don’t be fooled! This Breed Of Dog has incredible endurance. Saluki’s are known as top hunters reaching great speeds on any terrain!
A typical hound, the Saluki is a very independent dog! They can be taught obedience, but this requires training and patience from their owners. Always keep a leash handy with your Saluki as they will instinctively run after anything that moves!
Fun Fact: The Saluki is believed to be one of the oldest domesticated dogs from Egypt and were held in such high esteem that their bodies were often mummified like the bodies of the Pharaohs themselves!
Price Tag: $2,500


Top 10 Most Expensive Dog 7
Originating from Malta, the Pharaoh hound is one of the few Dog Breeds that is not easy to find. Built like a greyhound these dogs can reach incredible speeds with grace and agility.
The Pharaoh hound is a sensitive, loving, gentle yet reserved dog who is generally great with its family, but reserved with strangers.
Fun Fact: This breed has the unique characteristic of “blushing” when excited, with the nose and ears turning a rosy color.
Price Tag: $2,500 – $6,500


Top 10 Most Expensive Dog
With its long jowls, emphasized overbite and wide body, the English Bulldog is often mistaken as an aggressive, strong tempered fellow. In fact, these dogs are extremely gentle and are considered ideal family dogs especially when there are children in the home because the English Bulldog is very loving and placid.
Due to their constant listing on the AKC’s most Popular Dog Breeds, the English Bulldog puppies are in high demand, with people willing to wait months and pay top dollar for their chubby pal!
Fun Fact: The English Bulldog has a tendency to snore very loudly and to drool and slobber, and are very messy eaters.
Price Tag: $2,500 – $9,000


Most Expensive Type Of Dog
The Chow Chow has a ‘lion-like’ appearance with its powerful body and thick coat. It also displays a very unique characteristic – a purple or black tongue.
The Chow Chow is a generally well-mannered dog who gets along with children and strangers. However the Chow Chow does need to feel that its ‘human’ parents are strong natured and in control, otherwise this furry friend will become the master of the house!
Fun Fact: The Chow Chow is originally from China, where it is referred to as Songshi Quan, which means “puffy-lion dog”.
Price Tag: $3,000 – $8,500


Top 10 Most Expensive Dog
The Lowchen is a small dog famous for its coat which is long and wavy and is clipped so that the Lowchen looks like a lion giving the breed its nickname – ‘the little lion’. The most popular colours are white, black and lemon but they can also be found in a speckled colour.
The Lowchen is a fearless yet gentle and sensitive dog who is lively, affectionate and eager to learn!
Fun Fact: Lowchen means “little lion” in German
Price Tag: $3,000 – $8,500


Most Expensive Dog In The World
The Samoyed is a strong, powerfully-built dog with a thick yet hypoallergenic coat! It is thought that this breed is expensive due to its snow white coat and black lips which curl into the ‘Samoyed Smile’.
The Samoyed is an exceptionally friendly dog breed. It will even welcome intruders! So if you are looking for a guard dog the Samoyed would not be ideal, but if you are looking for a dog that will shower your entire family with love, this breed is worth the cost!
Fun Fact: Contrary to popular ’dog belief’ the Samoyed is known to get along with the family cat!
Price Tag: $4,000 – $11,000


Top 10 Most Expensive Dog 9
Often fondly referred to as a ‘Rotti’, the Rottweiler has a massive, powerful body! Their brown and black markings, stout body and short fur make Rotti puppies look a little like bear cubs.
Rottweiler’s have a loyal, devoted nature and display an intelligence which makes them great guard dogs and a top choice for police, military and customs work officials. The breed is also a perfect choice if you are looking for a family friend and protector!
Fun Fact: Despite its strength and size, a Rotti is extremely lazy, and if given the choice, will lie in the sun and snooze all day!
Price Tag: $8,000


what is the most expensive dog
One of the tallest dogs in the world, the Irish Wolfhound can reach the size of a small pony! This breed of dog has a long wiry coat and surprisingly small ears!
The Irish Wolfhound is a sweet-tempered, kind, and intelligent breed, friendly to all. They may not make the best guard dogs, but they certainly make terrific family pets.
Fun Fact: In 1902 an Irish Wolfhound was first presented to the Irish Guards as a mascot! Imagine this giant as a mascot. Not likely!
Price Tag: $8,000


Most Expensive Dog In The World
This guy, a Tibetan Mastiff named “Big Splash”, was recently sold to a coal baron from China for a staggering $1.5 million.


Most Expensive Dog In The World
“Once upon a time there was a type of species living in the Himalaya area, that presented a sturdy and strong physique, thunder like road and valiant quality, they presented the arrogance of the king and natural loyalty to their master. They are the Eastern Dog of God from ancient China, it was called: The Tibetan Mastiff.”
The Tibetan Mastiff is an enormous dog reaching up to 200 pounds (99 kg). The double coat of a Tibetan Mastiff lacks the unpleasant “big-dog” smell that affects many large dog breeds and is available in a wide variety of colours, including solid black, black and tan, shades of red and bluish-gray.
Contrary to its appearance, the Tibetan Mastiff is calm and good-natured, with a ‘dignified and noble personality’ and the Tibetan Mastiff Puppies have a royal price tag to go with it!
Fun Fact: Breeders have been known to put both colour and hair extensions in the coat of these dogs to ensure they fetch a higher price – a huge surprise to the buyers when they take their expensive pooch for its first bath!
Price Tag: $2,200 – $1.5 million

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